Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days {10} :: Wellness {this i know} ? Finding Serendipity

I needed to pause today, so the following is a repost from my Restoring Jane series {see the tab to the upper left, or search ?Restoring Jane? to find other wellness related articles on my blog}. It was originally published February 7th, 2011.?


Can I be a little bossy?
Opinionated, too?
?Cause 30 years of doing any one thing can make you that way.

We?re about six weeks into this new year, and many of you have expressed resolutions and re-commitments to exercise. Exercise science, like other sciences, is always yielding new information. What we know as an accepted fact today, could become a crazy exercise fad tomorrow. {So be careful out there!} Learn to weigh what you are told or what you read against your common sense. Here?s a few things that I know:

1. Wellness is more than fitness. Wellness includes a healthy attitude towards exercise. It includes a healthy self-esteem, a calm spirit, a nutritious diet, a safe circle of friends, time invested in spirituality, balance.

2. In any exercise class, there will be people of varying levels of fitness.?Know where you are and be fabulous there!?Push yourself to reach the next level, but not at the cost of an injury.

3. When you feel like stopping short of your goal? that moment??That?s you getting stronger!?Push through. If it?s that you are bored or just don?t want to keep going, you?ll increase your mental stamina, endurance. If it?s muscle fatigue, you?ll develop muscular strength. If it?s that you feel you can?t expand your lungs enough to breathe, you?ll develop heart and lung health.

4. Movement is necessary for wellness. For all kinds of wellness.?Be grateful for the ability to move!?Go for a walk and breathe in fresh air. Take a ride on a bike. Play tennis. Swim. Jump on a trampoline. Move every day. Be grateful. For my friends with long term disabilities or chronic illness, those who might have to have movement imposed on them, allow that. Use your breath to work through pain or discomfort. Try to enjoy movement and the freedom it offers. In water. In therapy. In meditation.

DOUBLE-DOG DARE: Reassess your fitness and wellness goals. Recommit?{again and again, as needed}. Commit to move every day.



{part 2}


There are 1440 minutes in every day? 1440 opportunities to capture a moment of beauty. What moment of beauty did you capture this week?

Share it with us here on Fridays!


Heidi, of Slightly Cosmopolitan, is doing a 31 Days series on Daring Greatly, based on the book by Brene Brown. You HAVE to read her posts from days 4 and 5, The Shameful Car and My Shameful House. I caught up on her whole series last night! ?:)


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