I love the art form of dance, very ?much. If I am not watching some rap battle, wherever I can find it, I am checking out every dance show possible. I have said, in the past, that this is what is really lacking in Nigeria?s music industry. First, our artists need to move more. Physical activity is good for the body and the rigorous demands of touring. Second, dancing really helps in bringing some cohesiveness and strong interpretation to a song. It is also great for marketing and selling an artist. Storm 360 latest female artist has given us something to get excited about, Lexx Ore of Lexxistalking Entertainment looks like he is going to bring it; and I absolutely love that Titi Lo?Kei is adding her touch to the mix.
AML artists, get your dance on, get off the same spot you have been standing on, in your videos.
Check on what Titi Lo?Kei sent me below. Ms. Lo?Kei, I want to see even stronger moves. Also bleep out curse words, in future, in your videos if you will send my way. Thanks. Artists, notice the visuals and presentation:
WARNING: ?A few?instances of strong language. Click at your discretion.?
For Immediate Release
Titi?Lo?Kei releases her 1st?episode out of the series entitled?Dance With Me. ?When Rapper meets Dancer, you receive the greatest live performance one can bring. This low key side of Miss Lo?Kei is finally?unveiling?as she winds her waist to a variety of popular songs. ?She is simply full of surprises!!?I can assure you that this is only a warm up for what is to come? ?Choreographer Jerome.? This episode is dynamic, fun, and sexy! You can expect it to get even more intense as time goes on. ?Just watch it for yourself .>> WATCH ?Dance With Me -?Titi?Lo?Kei ( Episode 1 Choreographed by Jerome Taylor)?]
Recently,?Titi?Lo?Kei released her two new singles:?
Comments/Feedback are welcomed. Please Share.
More Titi Lo?Kei Performing

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